COUNTRY: Mexico REGION: Pluma Oaxaca
Coffee farms in this region are often small farms on only a few acres, that work in cooperatives. Oaxacan coffees are both distinctive and in high demand, with their sweet caramel overtones, and notes of floral and sweet truits.
PRODUCER: 12 Coffee Producers. VARIETALS: Typica, Criollo, Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Caturra
These 12 farms are near the town of Santa Cruz Ozolotepec, Oaxaca. Each of the farms are only a few acres in size, and are mainly indigenous producers. Each producer harvests and is responsible for the full processing of the beans, including drying. They then deliver their crop to the family-owned export company in Oaxaca, called Galguera Gomez. This export company specializes in preparing traceable lots for buyers, as well as paying producers fairer and higher incomes depending on the quality of their coffee.
PROCESS: Fully washed ALTITUDE: 900 - 1,250 MASL
Flavour: Raspberry, cinnamon, floral, chocolate
Acidity: Light Body: Buttery, creamy
COUNTRY: Costa Rica REGION: Heredia
Heredia is a tiny province situated in the north central mountain region of Costa Rica and mostly located in the Central Valley. The high elevation and volcanic influence, have made this the home to some of the highest graded coffees from Costa Rica. Home to the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica, Heredia is the cradle for much of the innovation in coffee technology around the world.
FARM: Cooperative Farms. VARIETALS: Caturra & Catuai
This coffee is produced by various farmers. The small size of their exquisite estates does not permit for feasible export volume, so they pool together to produce an exceptional Strictly Hard Bean. After generations of tending the same plantations, the ideal coffee varieties have been matched to the specific micro climates of each farm.
Flavour: Bakers chocolate, hazelnut, brown sugar
Acidity: Low Body: Creamy, full